Quarterly Newsletter
December 2018

The Good News

Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthodox Church, Sacramento

Nativity Reflection

by Father Timothy

The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is an event of tremendous joy. Lo I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be to all people. We can’t explain why we feel a quiet joy each year as Christmas approaches, even in the midst of the hustle and bustle. And yet it’s there. It’s not just that we begin to hear familiar songs, that we anticipate the exchange of gifts, and that we recall fond memories from childhood.

This joy, I believe, comes from an awareness that something extraordinary happened in the little town of Bethlehem, something that changed the course of history, and something that changes the course of my own life. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 

No matter where we are in our lives, no matter how far off we may have wandered like the lost sheep, Jesus comes to us each year as a newborn Child. In simplicity, in humility, in poverty, He comes to us. And as our Good Shepherd even at so tender an age, He calls us to return to His fold. With Him, we are family. We are not alone, and with Him we will never spend a Christmas alone. Seeing the poverty of His birth, we realize that with Him we have more than we could ever need.

What gift can we possibly offer to the Newborn Lord this Christmas? What better gift than to share the joy of His coming with those around us. To be patient with those closest with us. And to forgive past wrongs and hurts that we’ve received. Just as the Son of God came to us as a newborn Babe that we might be reconciled to God, so let us, as bearers of this joy, strive to be reconciled with those who we have become estranged from, as much as it lies in our power.

Heaven and earth are united today, for Christ is born. Today has God come upon earth, and man gone up to heaven.
Today for man’s sake He who is by nature invisible is seen in the flesh.
Therefore let us give glory and cry aloud to Him: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill among men!
-from the Vigil of Nativity

Volunteers at the Christmas Around the World fundraiser
Volunteers at the Christmas Around the World fundraiser

Fundraiser Recap 2018

by Melissa Dubovik

The Holy Cross Events Committee took a new approach to fundraising in 2018. We took a break from the larger OctoberFEAST fall festival and decided to focus on holding smaller, quarterly events. These events were successful in both turnout as well as funds brought in for the building program. We look forward to holding these quarterly fundraisers in the years to come!

Summer saw our first annual Brewfest and BBQ with beer tasting and food to order. We brought in $1,180. The Wine Stroll returned the last weekend of September where we tasted local area wines along with appetizers. This event not only had wonderful attendance, but brought in $3,480! In November, Holy Cross joined 12 other acramento area churches at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Hall and hosted a booth with delicious baked goods and hot food. Although attendance overall was very low this year, we still managed to bring in $1,220 in profit!

We have not yet decided on our first quarter fundraiser for 2019, but stay tuned. These 3 fundraisers together raised $5,880 toward our new church building program in 2018! Thank you all for your continued support.

Baptisms: Many Years!

  • Marie Lorraine Winegar
  • Isaiah Theodore Simonson
  • Emma Vasilisa MacKinnon
  • Elizabeth Brown
  • Esther Rose Duke

Nativity & Theophany Services

December 24
  • 9:00 a.m. Royal Hours
  • 4:30 p.m. Special Visitor
  • 5:00 p.m. Vigil
December 25Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy
December 31Circumcision of our Lord & St. Basil
  • 6:00 p.m. Great Vespers and Molebin for the New Year
January 5Eve of Theophany
  • 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy & Blessing of the Waters in Church
  • 5:30 p.m. Vigil of Theophany
January 6Great Feast of Theophany
  • 9:00 a.m. Baptism of Joshua Gray
  • 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy
  • 1:00 p.m. Great Blessing of the Waters at the American River

Oh Lord Save Thy People!

On September 14, we welcomed our Archbishop Benjamin for the joyous celebration of our parish feast day. We were also blessed to welcome numerous clergy from around Northern California (and one from as far away Fiji!) who made the journey to celebrate this occasion with us. In his homily this year, His Eminence highlighted how Christ’s work on the Cross renews all Creation, and how our call to bear the Cross includes a concern for all of God’s Creation. Thanks to the hard work of many people, we enjoyed a beautifully decorated chapel and pavilion, complete with elegant flower arrangements, and two delicious meals together.

Building Fund Updates

Church Model
  • YTD Raised: $37,443
  • Total: $307,000
Numbers as of December 11, 2018

Thanksgiving at the Archangel Michael Food Closet

Each year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Archangel Michael Food closet ensures that those we serve are able to share in the holiday cheer. Together with St. Athanasius Church, we provided our Food Closet families with turkeys and hams for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Other holiday favorites—such as mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce—were also collected and distributed in addition to the usual staples.
Archangel Michael Food Closet