Quarterly Newsletter
June 2018

The Good News

Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthodox Church, Sacramento

His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin blessing the Mitred Archpriest Ian
His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin blessing the Mitred Archpriest Ian

Many years, Fr. Ian and Mat. Nina!

by Claudia Dubovik

What a joy it was to celebrate Fr. Ian's retirement on Sunday, May 13th! The day started with a Hierarchical Liturgy celebrated by both His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin and His Grace, Bishop Daniel. During the Liturgy, Archbishop Benjamin, on behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops, presented Fr. Ian with the highest award a priest may receive, the Mitre! This marked his 40 years of priestly ministry, including many faithful years of service as the chancellor of the Diocese of the West and rector at Holy Cross.

Later that afternoon, a retirement banquet attended by over 300 people was held at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Hall. At the conclusion of the banquet, Fr. Ian and Mat. Nina were presented with the gift of a trip to Rome, Italy.

Rector's Reflections

by Father Timothy

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)

During this season of Pentecost, we reflect upon our calling as Orthodox Christians to be witnesses of Christ’s love – witnesses of His Death and Resurrection on our behalf – right here where we find ourselves: in Sacramento, in all California, and even to the ends of the earth. This apostolic mission finds its foundation in our celebration of the Holy Eucharist together as the Body of Christ each Sunday and Feast Day, and extends outward from there into every one of our encounters and relationships throughout the week.

“I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.“
John 4:38

Dear friends, it is an exciting time to be at Holy Cross. We are blessed to have a vibrant, welcoming, and growing community that fills our worship space most Sundays. We lift up our hearts unto God, and rejoice as our children make a joyful noise unto the Lord. As I embark upon this new ministry as Rector of Holy Cross, I am keenly aware of our Lord’s words to His apostles: I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors (Jn. 4:38). We are the beneficiaries of the prayer, sacrifice and dedication of those who came before us, especially of our beloved pastor Fr. Ian and Matushka Nina, along with all those labored and served in this holy place. We pray that through God’s grace, we may continue to build upon the strong foundation in Christ that is here; as one plants, another waters, yet it is God who gives the increase. May the Lord strengthen and multiply His flock here in Sacramento!

Weddings, Birthdays, Baptisms, and more: Many Years!

  • Marriages
    • Chris & Sarah Blaine
  • Births & Baptisms
    • Rowan Basil Thompson
    • Zenia Cole
    • Finnian Haskins
  • Reception into the Catechumenate
    • Joshua Gray

Archangel Michael Food Closet

Current Donation Needs

  • Canned pork & beans or baked beans
  • Cooking oil
  • Pudding and/or Jell-O
  • Sugar & Flour (2-10lb bags)
  • Eggs & egg cartons (please take eggs directly to the fridge in the food closet)

You can help struggling families by:

  • Donating food items.
  • Registering at amazon.com to deliver food directly to the church.
  • Volunteering Tuesday mornings at the Food Closet.
  • Supporting fundraisers (purchase a parish cookbook!)
  • Writing a check to Holy Cross, memo: Food Closet.

Recent Events

New Coffee System

Thanks to a generous donor, a new system for our coffee hour brewing has appeared! Connoisseurs will notice the refined taste in our new brew made with fresh-ground gourmet coffee and filtered water.

Cool Days Ahead

Not long before Holy Week, our church’s original HVAC system gave out. To the Glory of God we were able to replace the system for $16,590 out of the parish’s reserve funds, and we will now be able to enjoy cool summer services for many years to come.

Looking Ahead

Brewfest & BBQ Fundraiser

Join us Saturday June 30, from 5 to 8 p.m. at our outdoor pavilion! Taste from a few local breweries and order some delicious BBQ! Beer tasting is 5 tastings for $10 and the grill will be open for a la carte items including sliders, tri tip, black bean burgers and more! Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the event.

Parish Summer Hike!

Caples Lake
Join us for hiking, a picnic, and Vespers near Caples Lake on Saturday July 21st. Meet at the group site by 9 a.m., enjoy time together, and wrap up the day with Vespers outdoors at 4 p.m. before returning to Sacramento. Caples Lake is approximately two hours from the church. Exact meeting place TBD.

Questions? Contact Dn. Joseph: josephsalonga@hotmail.com

Building Fund Updates

Church Model
  • YTD Raised: $10,912.31
  • Number of pledges: 11
  • Total: $278,007
Numbers as of June 1, 2018